MKT108 27670 Marketing creates A Exchange and value Satisfaction Production Unsatisfied wants3
MKT108 27671 Marketing activities relates to the concept D Product Pricing Distribution All of the above
MKT108 27678 Marketing mix include one o f the following D Intangibility Homogeneity Inseparability Product
MKT108 27672 The most common concept underlying marketing is that of D Organization Cooperating Cooperatives Human needs
MKT108 27676 For exchange to take place, there must be the presence of some of the following D Two parties Something of value to each other Free to accept or reject offer all of the above
MKT108 27673 A product is anything that can be offered to some to satisfy C Purchase Merchandising Needs & Wants Services aid
MKT108 27674 Marketing takes place when people decide to satisfy their needs and wants through C Selling Buying Exchange Offering something
MKT108 27677 A market is where all actual and potential buyers of product and service meet B Disagree Strongly agree undecided Not at all
MKT108 27673 A product is anything that can be offered to some to satisfy C Purchase Merchandising Needs & Wants Services aid
MKT108 27670 Marketing creates A Exchange and value Satisfaction Production Unsatisfied wants3
MKT108 27671 Marketing activities relates to the concept D Product Pricing Distribution All of the above
MKT108 27678 Marketing mix include one o f the following D Intangibility Homogeneity Inseparability Product
MKT108 27672 The most common concept underlying marketing is that of D Organization Cooperating Cooperatives Human needs
MKT108 27676 For exchange to take place, there must be the presence of some of the following D Two parties Something of value to each other Free to accept or reject offer all of the above
MKT108 27673 A product is anything that can be offered to some to satisfy C Purchase Merchandising Needs & Wants Services aid
MKT108 27674 Marketing takes place when people decide to satisfy their needs and wants through C Selling Buying Exchange Offering something
MKT108 27677 A market is where all actual and potential buyers of product and service meet B Disagree Strongly agree undecided Not at all
MKT108 27673 A product is anything that can be offered to some to satisfy C Purchase Merchandising Needs & Wants Services aid