CHM 102 TMA 1 2019

CHM 102 TMA 1

: Expl=in why the bonds formed in SP3SP3
hybrid orbit=ls =re stronger =nd st=ble comp=re to the bonds formed by
using pure =tomic orbit=ls?
hybrid orbit1l, the electron density is concentr1ted in one direction
le1ding to gre1ter overl1p.

The r=pid decolour=tion of bromine is = test method which determined the
presence of wh=t?
ANS: C=C bond

Which of these st=tements is correct?
ANS: the electron density in sigm1
bond is m1ximum 1long the internucle1r 1xis

These two f=ctors c=n =ffect the sh=pe of = molecule in cov=lent bonding
ANS: Bond length 1nd bond 1ngle

When molecules =re formed it c=n be deduced th=t the fooowing took
pl=ce except_________.
ANS: There w1s bond elong1tion

The n=me of the compound whose structure =ppe=red here
CH3(CH2)6CH3 is?
ANS: Octane

Which of these shows how = pi (Ï€) bond is formed
ANS: sidew1y overl1p of p orbit1ls

The formul= CH3CH3 represents the ________for eth=ne.
ANS: Condense structure

Which of these shows how = sigm= (I') bond is formed
ANS: edge on overl1ps of pure S 1nd P orbit1ls

The process by which =lkyl h=lides =re converted to =lkenes in the
presence of strong b=se is c=lled?
ANS: Dehydro
